Local Affiliates

There are local clubs or societies across Canada for African violet lovers to join. You can make new friends, learn more about African violets, obtain more African violets and participate in local shows by joining a local group.

Many of our local affiliates also have web sites of their own.

Member societies may update their information on this page by following the directions at the foot of the page.

A complete list of local societies in Canada and the U.S.A. affiliated with the African Violet Society of Canada follows. To go directly to the city or region that interests you the most, click on their names below:


Annapolis Valley     Calgary     Edmonton     Halifax     Jonquière    London    Longueuil Moncton    Montréal   Oakville    Ottawa    Regina   Saint John  Toronto    Vancouver    Winnipeg


New York State AVS     Ohio State AVS     Southern New Jersey     Parmatown, OH     Syracuse, NY     Tampa, FL

Outside North America:

Iran    Peru



Calgary:                                                                                             Back to top

Stampede City African Violet Society
c/o Winston J. Goretsky
32 Scimitar Point NW
Calgary, AB T3L 2B2
Phone: 403 241-8300
Email: scavs@telus.net
Web site: http://www3.telus.net/scavs/

Edmonton:                                                                                          Back to top

Edmonton African Violet Society & Gesneriad Society
c/o Carlos Beca
10167 – 118 Street Apt 204
Edmonton, AB  T5K 2M9
Phone: 780 224-3351

British Columbia:

Vancouver:                                                                                        Back to top

Vancouver African Violet & Gesneriad Society
c/o Marianne Moore
4751 Camlann Court
Richmond, BC V7C 4S1
Email: mdmoore@telus.net
Web site: http://vanavgs.blogspot.ca


Winnipeg:                                                                                          Back to top

Winnipeg African Violet Society
c/o Bonnie Batchelor
84 Manitou Bay
Winnipeg, MB R3K 0V8
Phone: 204 889-3283
Email: blbatchelor@hotmail.com

New Brunswick:

Moncton:                                                                                           Back to top

Monctonian African Violet Society
c/o Jane Wood
130 Ranch Road
Riverview, NB E1B 1P3

Saint John:                                                                                        Back to top

Fundy Violet Club
c/o Sherry Bagnell
Saint John, NB
Email: sbbag@nb.sympatico.ca

Nova Scotia:

Annapolis Valley:                                                                               Back to top

Annapolis Valley African Violet Society
c/o Valerie Despres
2150 Harmony Road
Aylesford, NS, B0P 1C0
Phone: 902-847-1001
Email: vdespres@eastlink.ca
Web site: www.avavs.com

Halifax:                                                                                             Back to top

First Halifax African Violet Society
c/o Anne Brown
1015 Black River Road
Black River Lake, NS B4C 2R1
Email: thebrownsonthelake@gmail.com
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstHalifaxAVS


London:                                                                                            Back to top

London African Violet Society
Phone: 519 471-8825 (Dianne)
Email: blossoms@LondonViolets.ca

Oakville:                                                                                            Back to top

Oakville African Violet Society
Eva Lindstol
1224 Sprucelea Drive
Oakville, ON
Phone: 905 845-5434
Email: OakvilleAVS@gmail.com
Web site: http://oavs.tripod.com/

Ottawa:                                                                                            Back to top

Ottawa African Violet Society
Dorothy Laidlaw, President
Email: OAVSociety@oavs.org
Web Site: http://www.oavs.org/ 

Toronto:                                                                                            Back to top

Lakeshore African Violet Society of Toronto
c/o Doris Brownlie
80 – 600 Silvercreek Boulevard
Mississauga, ON L5A 2B4
Phone 905 270-6776
Email: jtbrownlie@idirect.com
Web Site: https://www.lakeshoreavs.com    A brand new site! Click to visit them.

Toronto African Violet Society
c/o Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Avenue East
Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
Email: info@tavgs.ca
Web site: http://www.tavgs.ca

Toronto Gesneriad Society
c/o Doris Brownlie
80 – 600 Silvercreek Boulevard
Mississauga, ON L5A 2B4
Phone: 905 270-6776
Email: jtbrownlie@idirect.com
Web site: http://www.torontogesneriadsociety.org/


Jonquière:                                                                                         Back to top

Les Violettes sagueneennes
c/o Jean-Paul Chayer
875 Rang 9
St-Ambroise, QC G7P 2A4
Email: jpcy@sympatico.ca

Longueuil:                                                                                         Back to top

Club Violettes Longueuil
1, boul. Curé Poirier Est
C.P. 5000
Longueuil, QC  J4K 4Y7
Phone: 450-923-0914
Email: club_violettes_longueuil@hotmail.com
Website: http://club-violettes-longueuil.org/contact.htm

Montréal:                                                                                           Back to top

African Violet Society of Greater Montreal
c/o Greta Durand
3171 Lakeshore Road
Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 5N3
Email: gretadurand@sprint.ca

Société des Saintpaulia de Montréal
c/o Monique Beaucage
4101 est, rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, QC H1X 2B2 
Téléphone : 514 990-5701
Email/Courriel : saintpauliamontreal@hotmail.com
Site web : http://www.saintpaulia-montreal.com/


Regina:                                                                                             Back to top

Carefree Gesneriad Society
c/o Gloria Martin
298 Michener Drive
Regina, SK S4V 0J4
Email: midi4@sasktel.net



Tampa:                                                                                                                  Back to top

Tampa African Violet Society
c/o Lynne Wilson
645 Hudson Avenue
Tampa, FL 33606-3926
Email: tpalynne@tampabay.ra.com

New Jersey:

Southern New Jersey:                                                                                        Back to top

Southern New Jersey African Violet Club
c/o Patricia Piers
2 Brandywine Drive
Marlton, NJ 08053

New York State:

Syracuse:                                                                                                             Back to top

African Violet and Gesneriad Society of Syracuse
c/o Robin J. Yager
3643 Pine Road
Blossvale, NY 13308
Phone: 315-337-9904
Email: rjyager@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.avsofsyracuse.org/

New York State AVS:                                                                                          Back to top

New York State African Violet Society, Inc.
c/o Mr. Irwin Wagman
52 Harper Drive
Pittsford, NY 14534-3104
Email: Irwin_Wagman@urgrad.rochester.edu
Website: http://www.nysavs.org/


Ohio State AVS:                                                                                                  Back to top

Ohio State African Violet Society
c/o Penny Wichman
4807 Petes Lane
Petersburg, KY, 41080
Web site: http://www.osavs.org/index.html

Parmatown:                                                                                                        Back to top

Parmatown African Violet Club
c/o Tracy Lorence
3786 Williams
Parmatown, OH 44212

Outside North America:

Iran:                                                                                                                    Back to top

African Violet Society of Iran
No2 – Shadavar Street
Tehran, Iran

Peru:                                                                                                                    Back to top

Sociedad Peruana De Violetas Africanas
c/o Ms. Elena Peralta
Jr. Los Arquelogos 272, Casa 4
Lima 33, Peru
Los Alamos IV De Monterrico

To Update Affiliate Information:

Affiliate societies, you may wish from time to time to correct, update or add to the above information. Please send the new information by email to webmaster@avsc.ca. You may show your society’s name, a contact person, address, telephone, email address and a web site address if you have one. Please don’t let the information get out-of-date. Let us know your changes promptly.

You must have an up-to-date affiliate membership in AVSC to be listed on this web page.

Note re. Links on this Site:

Please note that AVSC provides links only to the sites of:

1. Local or regional African violet or gesneriad societies affiliated with AVSC,

2. National African violet societies in other countries,

3. Commercial members of AVSC.

We do not provide links to amateur or personal sites.

Reciprocal links are appreciated but not required.