About Us – AVSC Today
At the present time, AVSC has over 400 members across Canada with affiliate societies in all provinces except Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. However, we know from the their questions and letters that there are growers in those provinces, too. The History of our society extends back to the year 1960.
We hold an annual national Convention and Show almost every spring. This Convention and Show moves from city to city across the country and a local society is the host. Recent host cities have been Longueuil, Edmonton, Ottawa, Mississauga and Calgary. In 2012 we gathered in Detroit, Michigan for a joint AVSA-AVSC Convention with the members of AVSA, The African Violet Society of America, Inc. Our Local Affiliate Societies also hold shows, usually each spring. Their show announcements can be found on our Shows page.
We produce a quarterly magazine called Chatter to promote growing and showing of African violets in Canada. Each issue is graced with colour photographs of winners in recent shows. There are articles related to growing African violets and their relatives in the Gesneriad family of plants as well as news of upcoming shows and recent winners. A Chatter subscription is automatically included with membership in our society. See our Join AVSC page if you are interested in membership.
We also sponsor this web site which we hope will inform all Canadians and people in other countries about growing African violets. We also hope it will encourage others to take up our hobby which brings a lot of rewards.
Officers of the African Violet Society of Canada
President: Eileen McGrath, Ontario
1st Vice-President: Vacant
2nd Vice-President: Vacant
Secretary: Julie Thompson, Ontario
Treasurer: Winston J. Goretsky, Alberta
Past President: Anne Brown, Nova Scotia