AVSA-AVSC Joint Convention 2012

 African Violet Society of Canada

Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Paul Kroll. There were 13 members in attendance.
No minutes of the previous meeting were available.

Treasurer’s Report

Winston Goretsky handed out the financial statement to board members. The report included the Income Statement (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012), Balance Sheet (March 31, 2012), and summary of Contributions to the Chatter Publication Fund (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012). Winston thanked Jean Melnechuk and Norma Kunzel for doing the audit of the financial statements.

Winston went over the statements highlighting various items. The assets currently are $12,177.68, which includes the Chatter publication fund of $550.55. The $550.55 amount is included in the chequing account figure. Winston feels that maybe the chequing account should be split to more accurately show the Chatter Publication Fund and other items. The Chatter Publication Fund is very low; it is the only income apart from memberships and advertising.

The income statement shows a loss of $7,516.27. The expenses are mostly related to Chatter. This year we had six issues, therefore more expense than usual, but still would have had a loss. We need about $6,000.00 in income per year to keep even as the cost of producing Chatter is approximately $1500.00 per publication. For a convention, 50% of the registration fees we make as income, if the convention makes money and can pay the 50%. Winston said we need donations.

Winston moved the acceptance of the financial reports and was seconded by Beverley Williams. The motion was carried.


Laurel Goretsky is the Membership Chair and is presently sorting through the listings to get everything up to date. Laurel has kept everyone on the list for receiving the Chatter magazine until she sorts out everyone’s membership status. She has several Chatters going out to people who haven’t renewed. She is up to date today with new members and renewals. She hasn’t gone back to check the others on the list to update their situations, but will do that next. She will send out a letter to those not renewed to inform them Chatter has graciously kept them on during the recent transference and if they would like to give a donation it would be welcomed.
Paul Kroll talked about the situation with Patricia with the memberships, saying he didn’t know about the situation at the time, but it’s in the past now.
We have a new Chatter Editor and it is now Sayeh Beheshti. She has done a great job with her first issue, and it was well received by everyone. She had Jim Toms working with her to get it going. Many thanks to Jim for all he has done with Chatter over the years. It is appreciated.

Round Robin

Paul Kroll agreed to be the Round Robin Chair. He reported that it is working and there is a robin flying again.

Old Business
   By-Laws update

The updating of the by-laws still needs to be done. There was a committee struck to take this on and they are Bob Clark, Nancy Ley, Lorna Russell, Winston Goretsky, and Paul Kroll. They will be asked if they are all still willing to do this.

New Business

First item to discuss is the Election of Officers. Paul said Jim Toms told him all the directors are up for renewal. Paul and Bill Price together did the nominating committee job and have a proposed slate of officers to present.

   Nancy Ley – President
  Doris Brownlie – 1st Vice
  Eileen McGrath – 2nd Vice
  Julie Thompson – Secretary
  Winston Goretsky – Treasurer


Deanna Belli, Anne Brown, Bob Clark, Valerie Depres, Laurel Goretsky, Norma Kunzel, Jean Melnechuck, Bill Price, Lorna Russell, Karen Sproul, Jim Toms, Beverley Williams.

This slate will be voted in at the general meeting tonight.

AVSC Website

Jim Toms has revamped the website, the old one is gone, and a whole new one is now in place. It isn’t completed yet, is still in progress, and looks great. He has done a lot of work. Paul said he would like us to give Jim Toms a Lifetime membership in appreciation for all he has done. Paul asked the Lakeshore members to present it to Jim. Doris will receive it to take back for him and we will present it to him at our June meeting dinner. Paul presented the certificate to Doris. Beverley prepared the certificate for us. Thanks Bev.
Regarding the gavel, Paul said there was a sheet with it at one time that explained its history, and he isn’t sure where it is now. Winston said he may have a copy of it on the computer and will check.

Advertising Costs

Doris suggested the cost of advertising in Chatter perhaps should be increased. It hasn’t been changed for quite awhile. Doris also said she is stepping down as Advertising Chair and Beverley Williams is willing to take it on.

The advertising costs were discussed and increased. The new rate is listed below along with the old one, to show the change.

              New         Old
½ page   $40.00     $25.00
¼ page   $20.00     $15.00
Full page $60.00     $50.00

The above still includes the same deal as before of the deduction of 10% if all 4 issues for the year are paid at one time.

Bill Price moved that the advertising rates for Chatter be increased as above, effective January 1, 2013, including keeping the 10% yearly payment deduction in. Bob Clark seconded the motion. All in favour. Carried. This information should be published in the September issue of Chatter. Beverley will do it. Nancy Ley suggested a letter be sent to the current advertisers as well and Beverley will do this too.

Winston raised a point from Sayeh Beheshti regarding what the costs would be of doing Chatter all in colour, or perhaps the center page in colour. He said it would be cost prohibitive, approximately $7000.00 per issue to do it all in colour. Doing the centre page in colour would cost more than if it was black and white, but is possible. It would cost about $500.00 more per publication. It is doable. Paul said maybe we could do a post convention issue with the centre page in colour and that would be a good idea.

No further business to discuss.

Motion to adjourn by Bob Clark at 3:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Julie Thompson, Secretary